Book Summary: Meet Alexander. A young boy for whom nothing seems to go right. Things just can't go right throughout the day. His day starts with gum in his hair because he forgot to spit it out the night before, and it gets worse from there. The poor little guy just can't seem to catch a break that day. It's so bad that he decides he'll move to Australia. Things that aren't really that bad like having to sit in the middle and having lima beans for supper are he considers to be terrible events. And of course he just can't understand why the teacher would choose someone else's drawing over his blank page. A very cute book that I think most students can relate to.
APA Reference:
Viorst, J. (1972). Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Hartford, Connecticutt: Connecticutt Printers, Inc.
My Impressions:
I really like this book. I can see children relating to this book on a personal level. The gum in the hair, getting blamed for fighting when the brothers provoked it, and having to eat what they don't like are all examples of everyday issues in a child's life. Children will find this a funny book simply because these things are happening to someone else.
Professional Reviews:
Preschool-Gr. 3. Alexander's day starts out with his finding gum in his hair-and his day never improves. He's "smushed" in the middle seat of the car, his teacher doesn't like his "picture of the invisible castle," he learns that he's Paul's third-best friend, and he decides that he's better oft moving to Australia.
Laugh-out-Loud Moment: "At breakfast Anthony found a Corvette Sting Ray car kit in his breakfast cereal box and Nick found a Junior Undercover Agent code ring in his breakfast cereal box, but in my breakfast cereal box all I found was breakfast cereal."
Reid, R. (2006, July). Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. [Review of the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, by J. Viorst]. Retrieved from
Library Uses: This would be a good book to show children that reading can be fun. I feel the counselor could also use this book when working with students to show that everyone has a bad day some of the time.