Book Summary: This book is a collection of poem. Each of the poems are about family from mothers to fathers, sisters to brothers, and aunts to uncles. Its poems talk about metting new friends, getting sick, and going on vacation. It covers many of life's issues. There is a poem for everyone in this book.
APA Reference:
Hoberman, M. A. (1991). Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers: A collection of family poems. New York, NY: Penguin Books USA Inc.
My Impressions:
This was a cute book for introducing children to poetry. Many issues of life are discussed and children learn about poetry in a fun way. Kids will enjoy reading this book.
Professional Review:
Thirty wise, witty, neatly constructed poems, from a spirited definition
(``Whether there's ten or there's two in your family,/All of your family plus
you is a family!'') to an inclusive celebration (``Our Family Comes from Round
the World''). Between is a sampling of configurations (``I am a half- brother/I
am a whole-brother/I am a step-brother/There's just one of me!''); comical
glimpses of the family scene; and some quieter, affectionate moments. In her
lively illustrations, Hafner captures both the hilarious--like an uproarious
four-ring family at dinner--and such blissful moments as getting Mom's full
attention while sick in bed. Full of insight and lots of fun.
Professional Review Reference: Kirkus Associates, LP. (1991). Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers: A collection of family poems. Kirkus Reviews.
Library Uses:
A book display for poetry.
This is also a perfect book to use for a book talk on poetry.